Saturday, January 28, 2006

Another baby blanket. :)

I finished up the latest baby blanket last night. It is made from lion brand jiffy yarn that is no longer sold in stores. I have had it for a few years, just never got around to using it until now. I'm trying to use up my large stash of yarn. I think I'll make some baby hats with the rest of it, it's very soft and will be great for little hats.

The stitch I used was called a tulip or a shell. It consisted of 2 double crochets, chain 1, 2 double crochet in the same spot, then repeat across. It worked up very fast and I got this done in about 4 evenings. I just did a half double crochet to finish the edging.

The next project is to use up my other single skeins of yarn. I'm going to be making a granny block afghan of different solid and variegated colors. I hope to get that one done just as quickly!

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