Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Olympic Knitting challenge.....

Over on my crochet and knitting board I hang out at we decided to challenge ourselves during the Winter Olympics. The idea was to pick a project that would be a challenge to you and start it the night of the opening ceremonies, then complete it on or before the closing ceremonies. Well, I'm much more of a crochet type girl than a knitter, so any knitting project is a challenge to me! ;)

I selected this pattern Booga Bag because I've had it for at least a year along with the yarn and felt it would be a challenge to me, and that it was. Sure, I only did one stitch, the simple knit stitch, but I had to learn how to knit in the round and pick up stitches!

I'm thankful my girlfriend had a "cool cord" maker and I didn't have to actually knit the I cord required for the handles. I think I'd still be knitting those if I did! lol

Now that I have that down I hope to make a larger purse for myself and give this one to Paige. As you can see by the picture, it's rather small. That's a normal size tissue box I stood on it's side to give you an idea about how small it turned out. It shrunk 1/2 it size in the felting process.

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